ICT NWT s.r.o.


The EVEZA web application offers greater convenience and support in public procurement management.
This tool allows you to create profiles of individual public procurement entities (municipalities, hospitals, public institutions, state-owned enterprises, etc.) and to publish documents related to public procurements. This step increases the competitive advantage and functionality of the public procurement management software "PAVEZA", which was developed in the past by the programming department of the Service Division. EVEZA can be a part of the PAVEZA product or can also operate on its own.

Our solution's advantage

The EVEZA contracting authority profile is designed to provide users with greater convenience and support in public procurement management than required by the Decree itself and the implementing regulations. This allows contracting authorities to record public contracts before they are announced, which can easily be used to summarize the procurement plan. It is also possible to store internal procurement documents, i.e., they will never be published on the profile. The contracting authority can thus use the contracting authority profile to keep procurement documentation files. The profile also allows the establishment of other organizational units of the contracting authority and setting specific user permissions for them.
Certification of the Eveza electronic tool
Eveza is a certified electronic tool according to Act No. 134/2016 Coll., on Public Procurement, for these selected types of procurement procedures, including all relevant functionalities of electronic tools.
The operation of Eveza is subject to an established and certified information security management system according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 27001:2014


Contact us

Our specialist

Markéta Zatloukalová
Product manager
+420 725 175 659
Company info
ICT NWT s.r.o.
tř. Tomáše Bati 269
760 01 Zlín

IČ: 08217661
GPS: 49.2200622N, 17.6399244E
+420 607 089 773

(c) 2024 ICT NWT s.r.o.