ICT NWT s.r.o.


Aruba has been repeatedly recognized by third-party analysts as a leader in Wi-Fi 6, switches, SD Branch, and as a visionary in networked data centers.
The world's largest companies rely on us to provide a secure Service Platform by leveraging AI-enabled IT technologies that span across campuses, branch offices, data centers and remote work environments.

Aruba networking is a leading supplier in wired and wireless networking, controllers, switches, SD Branch and security.

As a company, we use our extensive experience to identify ongoing trends in the use of modern IT technologies. The trend today is especially the use of remote connection of employees or other users in the corporate infrastructure. This can be from a workplace, hospital, school, home, or even a restaurant. In these different environments, data is generated from users, devices and things. Any organization that successfully leverages data - by analyzing it and using it in real time, they can uncover valuable information while providing new services. In addition, they can improve the quality of service for their customers or deliver better results for themselves.
The company's mission is to help customers leverage the secure solutions provided, from basic computing to cloud-based solutions using artificial intelligence and machine learning to make IT infrastructure simpler, faster and more automated while leveraging data to drive great business outcomes.

Everything we do starts and ends with customer satisfaction. We are unconventional and innovative. We've never been a traditional company that specializes only in network infrastructure.


Do you have a distributed workforce? Are you adding more IoT devices? Are you weighed down by operational complexity? Traditional networks were not designed for data growth, connected devices and edge computing. It's time for a new approach.
There is already too much data to process manually. Identifying and diagnosing connectivity issues takes up to 70% of IT's time.
Organisation requires speed. Securing remote workers and monitoring multiple IoT devices is time consuming.
Multiple network management tools add complexity and risk. Unify remote branch, campus, or data center connectivity by converging wired, wireless, and WAN management onto a single cloud-native platform.
Budgeting, wireless and WAN networks on a single cloud native platform.

What's Wi-Fi 6E?

Connection of Aruba and SilverPeak

Together, Aruba and Silver Peak offer a comprehensive networking solution from core IT to the cloud that allows you to modernize and secure your WAN infrastructure - while reducing operational costs and complexity.
With many exciting advances in WAN edge technologies, including accelerating IoT adoption, in automation and AI, along with new technologies in transport, we continue to accelerate the transformation of the network edge.

High-performance and safe enterprise wireless LAN

with support for Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi access points and controllers for seamless connectivity.
Support greater mobility, IoT and rising user expectations
All without compromising security, reliability or performance.
- Includes Wi-Fi 6 certification and interoperability with previous generations of Wi-Fi.
- Delivers improved performance and capacity and better AlOps visibility across all users and devices.


as another pillar of Aruba
ClearPass Device Insight
Device discovery and profiling
An important starting point for Zero Trust, providing the visibility and intelligence needed to address the risk of unidentified and unmanaged devices on the network
ClearPass Policy Manager
Network access control for wired, wireless and WAN networks
Protects IT assets with centralised user and device authentication, role-based access policies and continuous attack response
Dynamic segmentation
Simple and secure network access through automated policy enforcement across wired and wireless networks to keep traffic separate and secure for each user or device, regardless of application or service.

Industry recognition

Recognized as a leader in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Wired and Wireless LAN Infrastructure. Aruba has been a leader for 15 consecutive years.
Recognized as the single leader in wireless network and service positioning in The Forrester New Wave: Wireless Solutions, for Q3 2019.
AI expertise
Combining more than 18 years of proven wired and wireless network experience with telemetry data modeling from more than one million wired, wireless and SD-WAN devices, Aruba AI can identify anomalies and provide prescriptive recommendations that network administrators can trust. No other network vendor has this level of AI expertise.
Future-oriented innovation
Aruba has been at the forefront of innovation from the start and continues to invest heavily in delivering the Aruba ESP (Edge Services Platform), the first platform that goes far beyond conventional network management to provide operations, provisioning, orchestration and management using AI security and location services from the cloud.

Contact form

Our specialist

Jaroslav Ondruch
Sales manager
+420 724 030 007
Company info
ICT NWT s.r.o.
tř. Tomáše Bati 269
760 01 Zlín

IČ: 08217661
GPS: 49.2200622N, 17.6399244E
+420 607 089 773

(c) 2024 ICT NWT s.r.o.