ICT NWT s.r.o.

IT outsourcing

Leave the worry to our experts and focus on your business - electronically, simply and efficiently. Running your company smoothly is your No. 1 priority, but having your own IT department isn't worth it?
Looking for a procurement management system?
Outsourcing not only provides you with the best know-how in the industry and the latest IT trends, but also a complete service including consulting, maintenance, repairs and other essentials for the efficient and cost-effective operation of your company.

Instead of one IT specialist, complex team at your diposal.

In terms of know-how, outsourcing is the perfect option.

Instead of one person, you can benefit from the services, experience, and interplay of a whole team of IT experts and technicians who see IT in a broader context and know all its pitfalls.

You can take your company's infrastructure to the next level for a fraction of the labor costs.

An in-house IT worker doesn't always pay off.

Sometimes, financial reasons or the work schedule may be at play. Other times, you may not have the qualifications or the courage to do it; sometimes, financial reasons or the busyness of the work may be at play. Other times, they may not be qualified or courageous enough to retool outdated habits that make society suffer.

Network security check-up for free

Full audit starting from 10 000 CZK

Why should you choose us? 

We have a wealth of practical experience. We have helped more than 50 companies
We continuously educate ourselves in new IT trends
When using an external network administrator, there is less risk of disclosing private information than with internal employees.

What do you get from outsourcing?

  • Personal IT Specialist
  • Complete operation, maintenance and development of your IT at a professional level
  • A clear head without worrying about the smooth running of the company
  • Years of know-how of our specialists
  • New trends essential for your business
  • Time and money for what you are really good at
  • Quick solutions to your new requirements
  • Easy planning of operating costs
  • 9x5 to 24/7 monitoring
  • Fair cooperation with people who know what they are doing
  • The background of a company with more than 25 years of tradition in the market
  • Customer discount on our other services

What do you lose by outsourcing?

  • Unnecessary outages and delays in their resolution
  • Protracted speculation over the "crux of the matter"
  • Endless waiting for the technician to arrive
  • Cost of own IT administrator
  • Tailor-made service packages with lots of unnecessary features
  • Outdated IT infrastructure

The future favors the prepared

And in the case of IT, this applies doubly

From HW and operating system management to server reliability monitoring to design, implementation, and cloud management. The scope of our service work is vast!

Our technician will happily help you with the most suitable solution at any time based on an overall analysis of the current situation. We will catch the shortcomings, strengthen the strengths, and above all, we will not let your business become stunted.


Contact us

Our specialist

Ing. Filip Lang
Head of implementation
+420 724 707 417
Company info
ICT NWT s.r.o.
tř. Tomáše Bati 269
760 01 Zlín

IČ: 08217661
GPS: 49.2200622N, 17.6399244E
+420 607 089 773

(c) 2024 ICT NWT s.r.o.